I was following one of the UDACITYs Android Tutorial on LiveData/Room/Persistence and Repository Architecture.
After gluing the codes all together, I came across (what I believe, a very common issue) Type Mismatch exception.
On the course example, a VideosRepository was created with a member videos which is a LiveData:
class VideosRepository(private val database: VideosDatabase) {
* A playlist of videos that can be shown on the screen.
val videos: LiveData<List<Video>> =
Transformations.map(database.videoDao.getVideos()) {
and in the Model, I have a introduce a MutableLiveData of _video
val playlist = videosRepository.videos //works fine
// added by me
private val _video = MutableLiveData<List<Video>>()
val video: LiveData<List<Video>> = _video
When I tried to access the LiveData, this is where I am getting the Type mismatch.
fun sample(){
_video.value = videosRepository.videos //does not work and throws a Type mismatch.
//Required: List<Video> Found: LiveData<List<Video>>
And if I try to just stuff all LiveData in the ViewModel (meaning, only the ViewModel will have the LiveData object declarations) and converting all LiveData to just plain List and a function such as
fun getVideos(): List<Video>{
return database.videoDao.getVideo()
I would then get Cannot access database on the main thread since it may potentially lock the UI for a long period of time. which I understand clearly. So if that is the case, then LiveData is the only way to do it.
But how can I get away from the Type mismatch.
PS. I understand concepts of OOP as well as Java, but never had the in-depth hands-on experience, so please bear with me.
Input of
is aList<Video>
but you assignedvideosRepository.videos
that is aLiveData<List<Video>>
You have to getList<Video>
from LiveData :