I want to make a live transcription app with nodejs and google speech to text api.
I am using RecordRTC and socket.io to get audio chunks to the backend server. At the moment I am recording 1 s long chunks and the transciption works but it does not treat it as a stream, it sends a response after processing each chunk. This means that I am getting back half sentences and google can't use the context to help itself recognize the speech.
My question is how to make that google treats my chunks as a continous stream. Or if there is another solution to achieve the same result? (which is transcribing the mic audio live, or very close to live).
Google has a demo on their website which does exactly what I am looking for so it should be possible to do it.
My code: (which is mainly from selfservicekiosk-audio-streaming repo)
ss is socket.io-stream
Server side
io.on("connect", (socket) => {
socket.on("create-room", (data, cb) => createRoom(socket, data, cb))
socket.on("disconnecting", () => exitFromRoom(socket))
// getting the stream, it gets called every 1s with a blob
ss(socket).on("stream-speech", async function (stream: any, data: any) {
const filename = path.basename("stream.wav")
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(filename)
async function (transcribeObj: any) {
socket.emit("transcript", transcribeObj.transcript)
async speechStreamToText(stream: any, cb: Function) {
sttRequest.config.languageCode = "en-US"
sttRequest = {
config: {
sampleRateHertz: 16000,
encoding: "WEBM_OPUS",
enableAutomaticPunctuation: true,
singleUtterance: false,
const stt = speechToText.SpeechClient()
//setup the stt stream
const recognizeStream = stt
.on("data", function (data: any) {
//this gets called every second and I get transciption chunks which usually have close to no sense
.on("error", (e: any) => {
.on("end", () => {
//this gets called every second.
console.log("on end")
stream.on("end", function () {
console.log("socket.io stream ended")
Client side
const sendBinaryStream = (blob: Blob) => {
const stream = ss.createStream()
ss(socket).emit("stream-speech", stream, {
name: "_temp/stream.wav",
size: blob.size,
useEffect(() => {
let recorder: any
if (activeChat) {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }).then((stream) => {
streamRef.current = stream
recorder = new RecordRTC(stream, {
type: "audio",
mimeType: "audio/webm",
sampleRate: 44100,
desiredSampleRate: 16000,
timeSlice: 1000,
numberOfAudioChannels: 1,
recorderType: StereoAudioRecorder,
ondataavailable(blob: Blob) {
return () => {
streamRef.current?.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop())
}, [])
Any help is appreciated!
I have exactly the same question!
Maybe google oficial demo is using node-record-lpcm16 with SoX: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/streaming-recognize?hl=en