Live streaming using YouTube on iOS

1.8k views Asked by At

I've successfully streamed normal YouTube videos on iOS using the iOS YouTube helper, but live stream does not seem to work.

I am not sure whether live streaming is even supported, but I could not find it in their docs.

Any idea how to make it work on iOS (without breaching ToS)?


There are 1 answers


The playback of YouTube Live Events is supported by the YTPlayerView iOS helper classes. The player will treat the Live Event video just like a regular YouTube video (as the iFrame player should), and your video should play back no problem with the "Live Broadcast" message replacing the scrubber of the player like so:

Live Broadcast

The only difference I have noticed is that the video will return an "auto" quality value. I have submitted a patch to handle this case which has been merged in to the official repo here.