For a classic ELB I used to call
and received list of instances with IP addresses embedded in loadBalancerDescription
following this from sdk docs
Now we are switching to application load balancer so we need to switch to api version 2
There is the same method there describeLoadBalancers
- however, for application loadbalancer there is a concept of targetGroups which includes instances.
In the response of elb.describeLoadBalancers from API version 2 there is no field like that.
How/what should I call to receive the same information like for classic loadbalancer?
After few hours of browsing through a documentation I am pretty sure that is is not possible to retrieve instances of Application Loadbalancer by loadbalancer name. Luckily, I had also tags on my instances so I was able to use method from EC2 API
including suitable tags as filters. There is also alternative option without tags - using healthchecks.