List of quosures as input of a set of functions

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This question refers to "Programming with dplyr"

I want to slice the ... argument of a function and use each element as an argument for a corresponding function.

foo <- function(...){
<some code>

should evaluate for example foo(x, y, z) in this form:

list(bar(~x), bar(~y), bar(~z))

so that x, y, z remain quoted till they get evaluated in bar.

I tried this:

foo <- function(...){
  arguments <- quos(...)
  out <- map(arguments, ~bar(UQ(.)))

I have two intentions:

  1. Learn better how tidyeval/rlang works and when to use it.
  2. turn future::futureOf() into a function that get me more then one futures at once.

This approach might be overly complicated, because I don't fully understand the underlying concepts of tidyeval yet.


There are 1 answers

G. Grothendieck On BEST ANSWER

You don't really need any packages for this. can be used.

foo <- function(..., envir = parent.frame()) {
   cl <-
   cl$envir <- NULL
   cl[[1L]] <-"bar")
   lapply(seq_along(cl)[-1], function(i) eval(cl[c(1L, i)], envir))

# test    
bar <- function(...)
foo(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)


bar(x = 1)

bar(y = 2)

bar(z = 3)

Another test

bar <- function(...) ..1^2
foo(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)


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