I have a list, containing the alphabet.
When outputting with foreach, i will currently receive this result:
- A B C
- D E F
- G H I
What i would like to achieve is this
- A D G
- B E H
- C F I
Ive tried the following, but really, i doesent find it a good or stable solution - and the letters/indexes are presented twice.
var ie = 0;
int sortI = 0;
int columns = 3;
int dictLength = ToShow.Count();
int rows = dictLength/columns;
int sortS = 1;
List<int> hasKey = new List<int>();
var newDict = new Dictionary<string, List<LoopItem> >();
if( sort.Equals("alphabetically") )
while( sortI <= rows )
<text>Column @( ToShow.Keys.ElementAt(sortI) ) - </text>
while( sortS <= ( columns ) )
int index = (( sortS * columns ) + sortI); //(( sortS * columns ) + ( 1 + sortI ));
if( hasKey.Contains(index) ) { continue; } else
<text>Column @( ToShow.Keys.ElementAt(index) ) - </text>
<text><br /></text>
sortS = 1;
sortS = 1;
sortI = 1;
<text><hr /></text>
foreach( var item in ToShow )
<text><br/>::Række 1::<br /></text>
while( columns >= sortS )
<text>Indsæt @(sortI+sortS)<br /></text>
sortS = 1;
Are there any algorithm for this kind of stuff? Or a simple function?
Thanks in advance
If you know how many letters you want to present on each row you could do something like this:
Rows will set how many rows you want, other than that it should work out for you.