I have a very weird problem with Liquidsoap. I have the following playlist:
myplaylist = playlist(mode="normal",playlist_file,reload_mode="rounds",reload=1)
myplaylist = on_metadata(apply_metadata,myplaylist)
where apply_metadata calls a python script that updates the playlist immediately when called, but sometimes Liquidsoap keeps playing the old playlist after reload, even if the apply_metadata procedure was called.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The whole code of the Liquidsoap script:
# This function is called when
# a new metadata block is passed in
# the stream.
def apply_metadata(m) =
title = m["filename"]
artist = m["artist"]
print("Now playing: #{title} by #{artist}")
filename = string.split(separator="/",title) # rozdelime cestu po lomitkach
filename = list.nth(list.rev(filename),0) # vezmeme meno suboru
filename = list.nth(string.split(separator="\.",filename),0) # odpojime koncovku .mp3
command = "python3.3 feedback.py " ^ filename
# Log dir
#tidy up before playing playlist
playlist_file = "playlist.m3u"
system("python3.3 feedback.py -init")
# Music
myplaylist = playlist(mode="normal",playlist_file,reload_mode="rounds",reload=1)
myplaylist = on_metadata(apply_metadata,myplaylist)
# Stream it out
output.icecast(%mp3, host = "localhost", port = 8080, password = "baldur", mount = "stream", myplaylist, fallible=true)
I finally found the solution asking in the Liquidsoap's mailing list: