liquibase JAVA_OPTS was unexpected at this time

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I have installed liquibase and I am trying to use it. Every liquibase command returns with an error

  • JAVA_OPTS was unexpected at this time.

I saw solutions to set JAVA_OPT environment variables but none of my colleagues have it even though their liquibase is working perfectly fine. I have same environment variables in system variables/path with them as:

  • C:\Program Files\liquibase
  • C:\Program Files\liquibase\jre\bin

I am using

  • Liquibase v4.14.0
  • MySQL v8.0.30
  • Java SDK 8u333
  • Apache-Maven 3.8.6

What causes this and how can I solve it?

UPDATE with more errors:

I reinstalled everything and configure them from scratch. Here is the errors I have. I am started to think the cause of the problem bigger than I think.errors


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