LINQ pad is showing SUM at end of result

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When i run the below query by LINQ PAD then saw it was showing sum at the end of result. here is the full code and it is working.

void Main()
    var csvlines = File.ReadAllLines(@"M:\smdr(backup08-06-2015).csv");
var csvLinesData = csvlines.Skip(1).Select(l => l.Split(',').ToArray());

// i am assuming that line[7] is the Party1Name Column
// now you have a (sorted) group with n "members" (ACC, Sales, ..., n )
var groupOfUser = from line in csvLinesData 
                  where  !line[12].Contains("VM") && !line[12].Contains("Voice Mail")
                  group line by line[12] into newGroup 
                  orderby newGroup.Key 
                  select newGroup;

// The Key of your userOfGrp is the Name e.g. "ACC"
// i am assuming that x[4] is the direction Column
// I count all I or O and put them into the new User
var user = (from userOfGrp in groupOfUser
                new User()
                        CSRName = userOfGrp.Key,
                        Incomming = userOfGrp.Count(x => x[4] == "I"),
                        Outgoing = userOfGrp.Count(x => x[4] == "O")

class User
    public string CSRName;
    public int Outgoing;
    public int Incomming;
    public int calltransfer;

i just like to know is it feature of linq pad which always show sum at end when field type is numeric ? or something is there in my linq query which showing sum.

i am asking because just started to use linq. thanks

my screen shot attached.i also put arrow in image to indicate which area i am talking about. enter image description here


There are 2 answers


LINQad will return results in its Results tab, any enumeration will have at the top of its blue box something like:

IEnumerable<EventLogEntry> (114 items)

Depending on the exact type. That count at the end is a LINQPad feature when it serializes the data for display, and it is the count not the sum.

EDIT: Now I can see a picture of the results you are talking about something different, yes that is also a LINQPad feature (and the sum).

sgmoore On

It is a feature of LINQPad, not of LINQ.

You can see the same feature on SQL queries in LINQPad.