Line Breaks in Aligned Text When Using HTML Tables in DiagrammeR Nodes

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I am looking for help in aligning text within HTML tables inside of DiagrammeR nodes.

In this working example:


  "digraph consort_diagram {
      graph[splines = ortho]
      node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = box]
        mylabel [label = < 
          <table border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='0'>
            <td align = 'right'>12</td>
            <td align = 'left'>This is some text that is very long indeed indeed.</td>
            <td align = 'right'>5</td>
            <td align = 'left'>This is short text.</td>

I am able to get two lines of text within a node box. This works as intended, with the first column right aligned, and second column left aligned: first image I run into problems when I include <br/> in the long lines. I am hoping to wrap text inside the boxes, and using strwrap with <br/> seemed like a possible solution.

Unfortunately, when I add the line break, such as here:

<td align = 'left'>This is some text that is very<br/>long indeed indeed.</td>

The alignment assumes the default style for DiagrammeR nodes, with centering: second image Ideally, I want to keep the left alignment of the second column, and if possible, make the vertical text alignment "top".

I am very open to alternative approaches, am happy to edit the question to provide more information, and appreciate the assistance greatly.


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