Due to the size of the program I will not be able to post all of it, please see the latest push here
I have a program that has around 15 option flags in it:
ARGV << '-h' if ARGV.empty? # Display help dialog if no flags are passed
OptionParser.new do |opt|
opt.banner = banner_message
opt.on('-f FILE', '--file FILE', 'Pass a filename to scan for vulnerabilities') { |o| OPTIONS[:file] = o }
opt.on('-s URL', '--spider URL', 'Spider a web page and save all the URLS') { |o| OPTIONS[:spider] = o }
opt.on('-p IP:PORT', '--proxy IP:PORT', 'Configure to run with a proxy, must use ":"') { |o| OPTIONS[:proxy] = o }
opt.on('-x NUM', '--run-x NUM', 'Run the specified amount of dry runs') { |o| OPTIONS[:run] = o }
opt.on('-D DORK', '--dork DORK', 'Use your own dork to do the searching') { |o| OPTIONS[:dork] = o } # Issue #32 https://github.com/Ekultek/whitewidow/issues/32
opt.on('-c NAME', '--column NAME', 'Specify a column name to be run for union SQLi') { |o| OPTIONS[:cols] = o }
opt.on('-d', '--default', 'Run in default mode, scrape Google') { |o| OPTIONS[:default] = o }
opt.on('-l', '--legal', 'Show the legal information and the TOS') { |o| OPTIONS[:legal] = o }
opt.on('-b', '--banner', 'Hide the banner') { |o| OPTIONS[:banner] = o }
opt.on('-v', '--version', 'Display the version number and exit') { |o| OPTIONS[:version] = o }
opt.on('-u', '--update', 'Update whitewidow with the newest version') { |o| OPTIONS[:update] = o }
opt.on('--dry-run', 'Run a dry run (no checking for vulnerability with prompt)') { |o| OPTIONS[:dry] = o }
opt.on('--batch', 'No prompts, used in conjunction with the dry run') { |o| OPTIONS[:batch] = o }
opt.on('--beep', 'Make a beep when the program finds a vulnerability') { |o| OPTIONS[:beep] = o }
opt.on('--rand-agent', 'Use a random user agent') { |o| OPTIONS[:agent] = o }
opt.on('--sqlmap', 'Run sqlmap through the SQL_VULN.LOG file as a bulk file') { |o| OPTIONS[:sqlmap] = o }
opt.on('--test', 'Used mostly for development use') { |o| OPTIONS[:test] = o }
opt.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this help dialog and exit') do
puts opt
The newest option is the -c
flag, what I'm trying to do is get the information from the -c
flag and use it as the extraction point for the information, however, when I run the flag, it will only pull information from the file that is default:
# Decide whether to use random column names, or a specific one
def random_col_name?
if OPTIONS[:cols]
For example:
ruby program.rb -d -c test -D php?id=
Will pull http://www.bible-history.com/subcat.php?id=2
which is correct, put from there is should add the information from the -c
flag to the end of it like so: http://www.bible-history.com/subcat.php?id=2 test
. However all it does is add the information from the file: http://www.bible-history.com/subcat.php?id=2 clave
. My question being, why is it that when I try to extract the information from the flag, it will not accept the ARGV
and only reads from the file, is there a limit to the amount of options I can create?