In Code igniter Model I am using like query to fetch all the products having first name rice which is not working controller while using get_where('name') it works fine.
public function fetchdeal_products($id) {
$q = $this->db->like("name", $id);
if ($q->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach (($q->result()) as $row) {
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
I am using like query to fetch all the products having first name rice which is not working controller while using get_where('name') it works fine. //Controller
function ajaxdealcategorydata($id = NULL) {
$id = $this->input->get('id');
$subcategories = $this->pos_model->getdealcategory($id);
$scats = '';
foreach ($subcategories as $category) {
$scats .= "<button id=\"subcategory-" . $category->id . "\" type=\"button\" value='" . $category->id . "' class=\"btn-prni subcategory\" ><img src=\"assets/uploads/thumbs/" . ($category->image ? $category->image : 'no_image.png') . "\" style='width:" . $this->Settings->twidth . "px;height:" . $this->Settings->theight . "px;' class='img-rounded img-thumbnail' /><span>" . $category->name . "</span></button>";
$products = $this->ajaxdealproducts($id);
if (!($tcp = $this->pos_model->products_count($id))) {
$tcp = 0;
echo json_encode(array('products' => $products, 'subcategories' => $scats, 'tcp' => $tcp));
I am using like query to fetch all the products having first name rice which is not working controller while using get_where('name') it works fine.
function ajaxdealproducts() {
if ($this->input->get('id') ) {
$id = $this->input->get('id');
} else {
$category_id = $this->pos_settings->default_category;
if ($this->input->get('subcategory_id')) {
$subcategory_id = $this->input->get('subcategory_id');
} else {
$subcategory_id = NULL;
if ($this->input->get('per_page') == 'n') {
$page = 0;
} else {
$page = $this->input->get('per_page');
$config = array();
$config["base_url"] = base_url() . "pos/ajaxdealproducts";
$config["total_rows"] = $subcategory_id ? $this->pos_model- >products_count($id, $subcategory_id) : $this->pos_model->products_count($id);
$config["per_page"] = $this->pos_settings->pro_limit;
$config['prev_link'] = FALSE;
$config['next_link'] = FALSE;
$config['display_pages'] = FALSE;
$config['first_link'] = FALSE;
$config['last_link'] = FALSE;
$products = $this->pos_model->fetchdeal_products($id, $config["per_page"], $page);
$pro = 1;
$prods = '<div>';
foreach ($products as $product) {
$count = $product->id;
if ($count < 10) {
$count = "0" . ($count / 100) * 100;
if ($category_id < 10) {
$category_id = "0" . ($category_id / 100) * 100;
$prods .= "<button id=\"product-" . $category_id . $count . "\" type=\"button\" value='" . $product->code . "' title=\"" . $product->name . "\" class=\"btn-prni btn-" . $this->pos_settings->product_button_color . " product pos-tip\" data-container=\"body\"><img src=\"" . base_url() . "assets/uploads/thumbs/" . $product->image . "\" alt=\"" . $product->name . "\" style='width:" . $this->Settings->twidth . "px;height:" . $this->Settings->theight . "px;' class='img-rounded' /><span>" . character_limiter($product->name, 15) . "</span></button>";
$prods .= "</div>";
if ($this->input->get('per_page')) {
echo $prods;
} else {
return $prods;
you have to write it as bellow.