First Attempt at LightSwitch. Using HTML Client. Hierarchical data, displayed in screens through Parent->Child relationships using Item Tap.
At the last child detail screen (Units Detail) I want to move to a screen showing the 'readings' for the tapped unit. The database structure prevents a normal ERM '1 to many' relationship 'unit' -> 'readings' being formed so LightSwitch cannot go further with a 'Unit' detail screen showing readings as additional data.
I need to capture the UnitId of the tapped unit and open the reading screen by passing that value in as a parameter. (Reading screen will be based on parameterised query)
I have been unable to find code that shows one LightSwitch screen calling another. I figure that I need write my Own tap method but haven't got a feel about what goes in it.
The 'how do I series' of videos from Beth won't play on my machine so please don't suggest watching them.
Would appreciate any pointer or code snippet that demos how to do this.
thanks Bob