LiDAR – ARMeshAnchor to SCNNode, get some manipulation with it

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I've run this Git. What I'm trying to do is when the node is further than the distance I set, for example 1 meter, node is removed. With in it, I've added this method (Code 1).

Code 1

func getDistanceBtw(cameraPostion: SCNVector3, nodePosition: SCNVector3) -> Float {
    let powX = (cameraPostion.x - nodePosition.x) * (cameraPostion.x - nodePosition.x)
    let powY = (cameraPostion.y - nodePosition.y) * (cameraPostion.y - nodePosition.y)
    let powZ = (cameraPostion.z - nodePosition.z) * (cameraPostion.z - nodePosition.z)
    let powXYZ = powX + powY + powZ
    let distance = sqrt(powXYZ)
    return distance

And in renderer didUpdate Node method, I added... (Code 2)

Code 2

let cameraPostion = sceneView.pointOfView?.position
let nodePosition = node.position

if getDistanceBtw(cameraPostion: cameraPostion!, 
                   nodePosition: nodePosition) > 1 {

I thought this my solve what I want to achieve, it did something but not what I wanted.


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