LibVncClient get operation system info

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I use the libvncclient, to build a viewer, in which i try to integrate a specific hotkeys which do a bit of scripting, that are done as menu options, such as enable taskmanager,'run cmd' for window, and 'open terminal,'update repos' etc. I need to detect the operating system info, but i don't see anything to get this info from in rfb proto

rfbClient *client = new client();

      return FALSE;
if (!InitialiseRFBConnection(client))
     return FALSE;

I looked trough the rfbclient.h and rfbClient structure doesn't hold any callback/or field that stores this info, as well as there is no apis for that it seems. But in rfc there is this thing

After receiving the ClientInit message, the server sends a ServerInit message. This tells the client the width and height of the server's framebuffer, its pixel format, and the name associated with the desktop:

Richardson & Levine Informational [Page 11]

RFC 6143 The Remote Framebuffer Protocol March 2011

  | No. of bytes | Type [Value] | Description                  |
  | 2            | U16          | framebuffer-width in pixels  |
  | 2            | U16          | framebuffer-height in pixels |
  | 16           | PIXEL_FORMAT | server-pixel-format          |
  | 4            | U32          | name-length                  |
  | name-length  | U8 array     | name-string                  |

But it seems that libvnc doesn't handle that, is there any way that this info could be taken?


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