I would like to use AnormCypher in my Scala project (with SBT).
I am not using Play! Framework. Can I use AnormCypher anyway?
If yes, how can I install the library. There is no .jar file or something.
As the official github page said, I added
resolvers ++= Seq(
"anormcypher" at "http://repo.anormcypher.org/",
"Typesafe Releases" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.anormcypher" %% "anormcypher" % "0.6.0"
to my build.sbt.
But Intellij produces Unresolved Dependencies errors
I am new to scala and neo4j and I am seriously lost. If someone can help and tell me what to do.
Thank you.