I'm trying to simply read an ISO 14443-2B ST SRx card content using ACR122 card reader.
I've set up my environment with Libnfc and the proper reader driver.
Right now I've managed to write a code that simply read the card UID and prints that out. There's no documentation at all, and I totally don't know where to start for reading card content. Any clue or code snippet?
This is what I've done:
// To compile this simple example:
// $ gcc -o quick_start_example1 quick_start_example1.c -lnfc
// ./quick_start_example1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
void print_nfc_target(const nfc_target *pnt, bool verbose)
char *s;
str_nfc_target(&s, pnt, verbose);
printf("%s", s);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
nfc_device *pnd;
nfc_target nt;
// Allocate only a pointer to nfc_context
nfc_context *context;
// Initialize libnfc and set the nfc_context
if (context == NULL) {
printf("Unable to init libnfc (malloc)\n");
// Display libnfc version
const char *acLibnfcVersion = nfc_version();
printf("%s uses libnfc %s\n", argv[0], acLibnfcVersion);
// Open, using the first available NFC device
pnd = nfc_open(context, NULL);
if (pnd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", "Unable to open NFC device.");
// Set opened NFC device to initiator mode
if (nfc_initiator_init(pnd) < 0) {
nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_initiator_init");
printf("NFC reader: %s opened\n", nfc_device_get_name(pnd));
nfc_target ant[1];
nfc_modulation nm;
nm.nmt = NMT_ISO14443B;
nm.nbr = NBR_106;
printf("%s\n",nfc_strerror(pnd)); // print Success
nfc_target ant2[1];
nfc_modulation nm2;
nm2.nmt = NMT_ISO14443B2SR;
nm2.nbr = NBR_106;
int res = 0;
int n = 0;
res = nfc_initiator_list_passive_targets(pnd, nm2, ant2, 1);
printf("%s\n",nfc_strerror(pnd)); // print Success
// printf("Cart identifier: %s\n", nt.nti.nsi.abtUID);
for (n = 0; n < res; n++) {
print_nfc_target(&ant2[n], true);
// Close NFC device
// Release the context
PS: I'm listing 2 times the targets because of a known bug ( http://www.libnfc.org/community/topic/1044/problem-with-init-of-iso14443b/ )
For a start (this is how I began), get EMV book 3 and read on the commands for card transactions, including the command APDUs and how they are written, response APDUs and how they are processed, response codes, status byte codes e.t.c. Then get books 1 - 5 to accompany the above book. Also get the book Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems by Cristian Radu which will guide you through every step needed to learn how to develop EMV card applications. Hope that helps.