I am new to NBC programming and am trying to program my Lego NXT Brick to search for and follow a line of black electrical tape that I have on the floor (I have the light sensor in the front and pointing straight down at the ground). As of right now, the light turns on, but the robot just continues to go over the tape without acknowledging it. I also have it set up to stop and turn around if it bumps into a wall, which is working. The only thing that isn't working is acknowledging and following the black tape when the light goes over it. Can anyone take a look at my code and tell me where I am going wrong?
dseg segment
Switch sword 0
Volume sword 0
Level sword 0
Distance sword 0
dseg ends
thread main
SetSensorTouch(IN_1) // touch sensor connected to IN_1
SetSensorSound(IN_2) // sound sensor connected to IN_2
SetSensorLight(IN_3) // Light Sensor connected to input 3
SetSensorUltrasonic(IN_4) // Ultrasonic Sensor connected to input 4
OnFwd(OUT_BC,80) // move forward
ReadSensor(IN_1,Switch) // reads current value of sensor (0/1)
brtst EQ, CheckSensor, Switch // branch to CheckSensor if Switch = 0
// i.e., exit the loop when Switch = 1
OnRev(OUT_BC,40) // move backward
wait 500
OnFwd(OUT_B,20) // turn
wait 500
jmp CheckSound
ReadSensor(IN_2, Volume)
brcmp GT, ExitCheck, Volume, 60
jmp CheckSound
jmp CheckLight
brcmp LT, CheckLight, Level, 60
brcmp LT, EndPoint, Distance, 30
OnFwd(OUT_C, 10)
brcmp GTEQ, FindPath, Level, 60
OnFwd(OUT_BC, 60)
jmp CheckLight
wait 1500
If this is the same NXT that I used, then you aren't getting anywhere soon. The light sensor in this kit is garbage, you have to just fiddle with what it considers "On" until it actually picks it up. I wish i had a better answer for you, but I've used these things for 4 years and never had it work exactly the way I want. I used the visual software that came with the kit, and it had an option to set how much was needed for it to be set, try looking for something similar.