Left bracket not matched correctly while using lambda inside brackets, inside template function

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Using Visual C++ 2013, the following code produces a weird compile error:

/// header.h
class Test
    template <typename Func>
    void operator[](Func f)

template <typename T>
void funct()
    Test t;
    t[[](){; }];    // line 16 // The same error with t[ ([](){; }) ];

/// main.cpp
int main()
    // funct();


1>c:\path\to\header.h(16): error C2958: the left bracket '[' found at 'e:\path\to\header.h(16)' was not matched correctly
1>c:\path\to\header.h(16): error C2059: syntax error : ']'
1>c:\path\to\header.h(17): error C2059: syntax error : '}'
1>c:\path\to\header.h(17): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'

This error does not happen when the lambda function body doesn't have any statements:

template <typename T>
void funct()
    Test t;
    t[[](){ }];    // line 16 // No semicolon - No statement - No errors

Or when the function is not template:

// Ordinary function - No errors
void funct()
    Test t;
    t[[](){; }];    // line 16

I think I have found a bug in this compiler. However, if anyone knows a way to write this without errors and without using a variable to hold the lambda function, that would be great.


There are 1 answers


VC++ correctly rejects this code, but for the wrong reasons - it's a bug. It's ill-formed according to [dcl.attr.grammar]/6:

Two consecutive left square bracket tokens shall appear only when introducing an attribute-specifier. [ Note: If two consecutive left square brackets appear where an attribute-specifier is not allowed, the program is ill-formed even if the brackets match an alternative grammar production. — end note ] [ Example:

int p[10];
void f() {
    int x = 42, y[5];
    int(p[[x] { return x; }()]); // error: invalid attribute on a nested
                                 // declarator-id and not a 
                                 // function-style cast of an element of p.

    y[[] { return 2; }()] = 2; // error even though attributes are not allowed
                               // in this context.

— end example ]

So try enclosing the lambda-expression in two parantheses as follows.

t[ ([](){; }) ];

Or write

auto&& closure = [](){; };
t[closure]; // move here if correct value category is desired