Leaflet-search custom result marker

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I use leaflet search control and i hide all the points in geojson layer(i set them to transparent and i reduce marker size). Then in leaflet-search.js i add custom marker to put on the map when location is found : Line 89( https://github.com/stefanocudini/leaflet-search/blob/master/src/leaflet-search.js )

marker: {
    icon: L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({
        icon: 'fas fa-sign-in-alt',
        prefix: 'fa',
        markerColor: 'orange'


Is there a way to bind popup to marker that is put on the map by leaflet-search.js?


There are 1 answers

hamzarh On

This is how you bind a popup to marker with Leaflet

    //create marker with popup
    var myMarker = L.marker([51.5, -0.09], {
        icon: L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({
            icon: 'fas fa-sign-in-alt',
            markerColor: 'orange',
            prefix: 'fa'
        draggable: false

    //attribute the new marker
    marker: myMarker 

If you need to do it otherwise please provide your full code