This is more of a theoretical than practical question. In Python, we can do this very ugly thing:
import inspect
import re
class A(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(A, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._name_cache = {}
# Still want to be able to do proper lookups.
self._old_get = self.__getattr__
def __getattr__(self, n, *args, **kwargs):
# Gets the name of the most local reference.
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
tmp = frame.f_locals.items() + frame.f_globals.items()
for k, var in tmp.items():
if isinstance(var, self.__class__):
if var is self:
name = k
assert 'Life' == 'Bad'
patt = re.compile(r'^add_(\d+)$')
# Add to the cached functions and return new "attribute."
if n not in self._name_cache:
exec('def %s(n):\n return %s + n' % (n, patt.sub(r'\1', n)))
exec('%s._name_cache["%s"] = %s' % (name, n, n))
exec('print "Is it there? %s"' % str(n in self._name_cache))
return self._name_cache[n]
return self._old_get(n, *args, **kwargs)
a = A()
print a.add_2(3) # Prints 5
There's probably a cleaner solution to this using metaclasses, but I'm not sure I would be able to whip it up. In any case, we did something that looks syntactically like lazy, on-the-fly member function generation.
I have two questions:
I am now wondering whether there is a way I could do this globally. I would just monkey-patch
method, but its attributes are read-only. Is there an interpreter-writable function governing lookup of top-leveldef
ed functions?What other depraved things can one do with the