In SO, I found the following, which sounded logical, to grab Laravel's storage path in JQUERY:
var storagePath = "{!! storage_path() !!}"; // updated and tested
However, storagePath
outputs C:wamp64wwwldicocostorage
e.g. the proper path but without the "/", which is both strange & useless.
Am I not getting it right? I need to get an audio file (passed on to JQUERY via Ajax), so that it can be read like so, via JQUERY:
Audio(storagePath +'/' + audiofile);
I have not transcribed the entire JS audio stuff here: I know some instructions are missing...
So I need to have the proper storage file...
PS: I know at this point I am not using the symlink;
if I do so after I get the storagePath issue sorted, what should this be?
Many thanks