Laravel + Q&A Framework

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I'm most comfortable with Laravel and want to extend it with a Question and Answer framework such as Q2A or OSQA. How do I integrate the two together (ex. Q2A + Laravel)?


There are 3 answers

DisgruntledGoat On

OSQA uses a completely different language so that would be more difficult, to be honest. Q2A uses PHP like Laravel, but it's a standalone app and is its own framework in itself.

Q2A does however have a Single Sign On concept, so if you have users set up in Laravel they can integrate with Q2A. See the Q2A docs for more information.

Ateszki On

I've managed to run Q2A in Laravel install as a subfolder, this is what i did:

Install Question2Answer into laravel public/qa folder

Follow setup instructions form

Add the followin function to public/qa/qa-external/qa-external-users.php

function laravelauth() {
      //modified from

      require getcwd() . '/../../bootstrap/autoload.php';
      $app = require_once getcwd() . '/../../bootstrap/app.php';

      $kernel = $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel');

      $response = $kernel->handle(
        $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()

      $id = $app['encrypter']->decrypt($_COOKIE[$app['config']['session.cookie']]);

      if(!$app['auth']->check()) return ["is_loggedin"=>false];

      $salida = $app['auth']->user()->toArray();
      $salida["is_loggedin"] = true;



Then modify qa_get_logged_in_user() to

           $r = laravelauth();

                            return array(
                                    'userid' => $r["id"],
                                    'publicusername' => $r["name"],
                                    'email' => $r['email'],
                                    'level' => QA_USER_LEVEL_BASIC //(select the level)

You can select the User level based on the laravel user attributes or whatever you like.

pat On

How about creating a composer package, better yet, use the laravel workbench to create a laravel specific composer package?