Laravel got route list issue

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I am getting this error:

Error: Ziggy error: route 'contract/generatePDF?id=517&pickupKM=0' is not in the route list.

but is defined in the web.php: GET|HEAD contract/generatePDF

Route::get('contract/generatePDF', [App\Http\Controllers\ContractController::class, 'generatePDF'])->name('contract.generatePDF');

and from the vue I am calling this function:


also tried like this:


There are 2 answers

ceejayoz On

Ziggy expects a route name that matches one of your Laravel-side routes. Query parameters are passed separately; they are not part of the route's name.

route('contract.generatePDF', {
    pickupKM: pickupKM

Your issue is two-fold; you're giving Ziggy the route's URL (contract/generatePDF) instead of its name (contract.generatePDF), and you're including the query string in the name, which Ziggy doesn't automatically parse out for you.

Vannian On

I found the issue. Somehow the word contract is the cause of it. I have already defined

Route::resource('contract', ContractController:class) 

And then I defined this

Route::get('contract/generatePDF', ContractController::class) 

and getting 404.

I just changed the order and is working:

Route::get('contract/generatePDF', [ContractController::class, 'generatePDF'])->name('contract.generatePDF');
Route::resource('contract', App\Http\Controllers\ContractController::class);