Laravel Excel Import - MethodNotAllowedHttpException

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In my Laravel Project i import data from Excel (.CSV). When i upload small count data (15 or 10) its imported, but upload more than 200 data its return (1/1) MethodNotAllowedHttpException. i using Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel package to upload Data.

Controller Code :

 public function uploadleads(Request $request){

        $usersid = Auth::user()->id;


            Excel::load($request->file('leads')->getRealPath(), function ($reader) use($usersid) {

                foreach ($reader->toArray() as $key => $row) {

                    $data['name'] = ucfirst($row['candidatename']);
                    $data['gender'] = ucfirst($row['gender']);
                    $data['mobile'] = $row['mobileno'];
                    $data['email'] = $row['email'];
                    $data['work_experience'] = $row['workexperience'];
                    $data['resume_title'] = $row['resumetitle'];
                    $data['current_location'] = $row['currentlocation'];
                    $data['preferred_location'] = $row['preferredlocation'];
                    $data['current_employer'] = $row['currentemployer'];
                    $data['current_designation'] = $row['currentdesignation'];
                    $data['annual_salary'] = $row['annualsalary'];
                    $data['ug_course'] = $row['ugcourse'];
                    $data['pg_coruse'] = $row['pgcourse'];
                    $data['post_pg_course'] = $row['postpgcourse'];
                    $data['leads_address'] = $row['address'];
                    $data['telephone'] = $row['telephone'];
                    $data['dateofbirth'] = $row['dateofbirth'];
                    $data['sourcefrom'] = $row['sourcefrom'];
                    $data['created_by'] = $usersid;



                if(($baseleadscounts + $templeadscount) > 0){


                } else {

                    if((preg_match('/(7|8|9)\d{9}/',$data['mobile'])) && ($row['gender'] == 'Male' || $row['gender'] == 'Female' || $row['gender'] == 'male' || $row['gender'] == 'female')){


                    } else {






    alert()->success('Data Imported Successfully.', 'Success!');

    return redirect('importreport');


How to fix this Issue


There are 1 answers

plmrlnsnts On

This error MethodNotAllowedHttpException can be triggered when you are trying to submit a form with a method='POST' to a Route::get or vice versa.

Make sure that your route is correct and your form is using the appropriate method.