laravel Auth::user() returns null after authentication

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I am getting Auth::user() null in a controller. After logging in with credentials i normally get the authenticated user data but in one of my projects i am not getting the authenticated user data.

For explanation i am posting the code snippets. In NewLoginController i try to attempt the login using credentials and it is successfully logging in when i try with credentials and i can see the admin view, but when i try to go to homepage using /homepage route i get Auth::check() false and not be able to maintain the flow of the application, while in my other projects it is the same flow i have used.

Can any one guide me resolving this issue ?

class NewLoginController extends Controller
    public function attemptLoginApi()
        if (Auth::attempt(['username' => request('username'), 'password' => request('password')])) {
            $userType = Auth::user()->user_type;
             return view('admin');
        } else {
            toastr()->error('Invalid Credentials', 'Error');
            return back();



class HomePageController extends Controller

    public function getUserHomepage()
        if (Auth::check()) {
            return view('admin');
        } else {
             return view('home');



Route::get('/homepage', 'HomePageController@getUserHomepage');
Route::post('/loginApi', 'NewLoginController@attemptLoginApi')->name("loginApi"); 

There are 1 answers

Rouhollah Mazarei On

I think you have forgotten to use Auth middleware. Put your homepage route in a route group that uses Auth middleware. See the documentation .

Route::group(['middleware'=>'auth'],function () {
    Route::get('/homepage', 'HomePageController@getUserHomepage');