LARAVEL 5.5 Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed'

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I am encountering "errno: 150 'Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed'" when migrating.

I have a table that needs 3 foreign keys:

  Schema::create('ads', function (Blueprint $table) {


    Schema::table('ads', function(Blueprint $table){

Users, Categories and Subcategories table are created before this table. selleridno and catidno was successfully created but in creating foreign key for subcatidno I am encountering the error. any suggestions/opinions? thank you in advance.

My Database is MySql.

Just in case you need the SubCategories table here it is:

Schema::create('sub_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {


There are 2 answers

Don't Panic On BEST ANSWER

This foreign key is on a table called subcategories:


But your table is actually called sub_categories:

Schema::create('sub_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
mafortis On

When you get subcategory you don't need to get category as well because you get category in subcategory migrate.

And also try to get them as user_id and subcategory_id instead of selleridno and subcatindo.

See if it works.

PS: your subcategory creat method has issue separate foregin key just like you did for ads.

Schema::table('subcategory', function(Blueprint $table){ 

    $table->foreign('category')->references('id')-> on('categories'); 