I'm using Laravel 5.2 and doing all authentication manually. So, although everything works, but I get a token mismatch
error and the reason is that I'm not passing my routes through the web
middleware in my routes file:
Route::group(['middleware'=>['web']],function (){
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
where Route::social();
public function social() {
$this->get('/dashboard',function() {
return view('dashboard');
But if I move Route::social();
to the web middleware group, it doesn't count errors and so return empty errors even if there are. How do I get around with it? I want both things!
I've the token field in my form using {!! Form::token() !!}
You are probably manually adding an
array to your view, theweb
middleware will do the same thing so this will be overwritten. Theweb
middleware group includes\Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession
which creates an error variable in the views with validation errors.There are two ways to fix this. One is to only include the
middleware for this route. The other, wich I would prefer, is to add the route to theweb
middleware group, but use another name for your array with errors.