I am creating a syntax highlight file for a language and I have everything mapped out and working with one exception.
I cannot come up with a regex that will match the following conditions for a specific line comment style.
If the first non white-space character is an asterisk (*) the line is considered a comment.
I have created many samples that work in regexr but it never captures in vscode.
For example, regexr is cool with this:
So I convert it into the proper format for the tmlanguage.json file:
But it is not capturing properly, if the first character of the line is an *, it does not catch, but if the first character is a whitespace character followed by an * it does work.
I suck at formatting on stackoverflow, so represents a chr(9) tab character. is a space.
* comment
* comment
<tab>* comment
But it shouldn't work in these cases:
string *******************************
string ***************************** string
<tab>string *************************
x *= 3
I am guessing that either the anchor ^ isn't working in my regex or I am escaping something incorrectly.
Any advice?
Please see sample image attached: screenshot
Apparently VS Code's syntax highlighter is single-line. No matter how much i tried matching regeces that are over several lines, these never worked.
Second, if you're designing a language I suggest you not to use an arithmetic operator for comments.
Third, apparently you can match newlines in the
attributes. You can try it there.