I have a table of http responses including timestamp, service name and the http response code I want to query using KQL/Kusto.
My goal is to have a table that tells me "How many http responses of a certain type (2xx, 4xx etc) did a particular service have within the last 5 minutes over time"
I want to summarize the rows by a time bucket of 5min and the ResponseType (basically the response code class) as well - but I can't seem to make it work. When I add count(ResponseType)
to the summarize clause, it returns the error message Function 'count' cannot be invoked in current context
My KQL looks like this
| extend Tags = parse_json(Tags)
| extend Responsecode = tostring(Tags.["code"])
| extend ResponseType = strcat(substring(Responsecode, 0, 1), "XX")
| extend Service = tostring(Tags.["service"])
| where TimeGenerated >= now(-4h)
| where Namespace == "prometheus"
| where Name contains "traefik_service_requests_total"
| project TimeGenerated, Responsecode, Service, ResponseType
| summarize by bin(TimeGenerated, 5m), ResponseType
which returns data like this:
| TimeGenerated | ResponseType | Service |
| 2020-10-01 10:25:00 | 3XX | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
| 2020-10-01 10:30:00 | 2XX | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
| 2020-10-01 10:30:00 | 2XX | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
| 2020-10-01 10:30:00 | 4XX | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
When I want something like this instead
| TimeGenerated | ResponseType | count(ResponseType) | Service |
| 2020-10-01 10:25:00 | 3XX | 1 | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
| 2020-10-01 10:30:00 | 2XX | 2 | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
| 2020-10-01 10:30:00 | 4XX | 1 | prod-service-internal-50f0bab542c7d81ed22e@kubernetescrd |
All you have to do is replace