I have an AKS deployed in Azure and my pod is not able to pull the images from the ACR, the error is ImagePullBackOff, The error is failed to resolve reference "//:": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://riotintoazureregistry.azurecr.io/oauth2/token?scope=repository%3A%3Apull&service=reponame.azurecr.io: 401 Unauthorized
I have tried to do az login, docker login and az acr login from my mac, but this still fails.
Your error indicates an issue with authorization when attempting to pull images from your Azure Container Registry (ACR) Below are few basic checks that you must verify from your end.
In-order to push an image to your ACR and then deploy the same to your AKS cluster without any error follow the below steps-:
Obviously you will need an ACR and an AKS cluster , so create one using portal or CLI
az aks create -n <your-prefered-AKS-name> -g <your-resource-group> --generate-ssh-keys --attach-acr <the-acr-name-which-you-created-above>
#this attaches your acr with your aks Output:Once these two things are ready. you can verify the same from portal under your resource group tab:
Now time to import an image inside the ACR: Example:
docker pull <your-ACR-name>.azurecr.io/samples/nginx
and then tag and pushdocker push <your-ACR-name>.azurecr.io/nginx
Now will deploy the same image on the AKS cluster with 2 replicas: verify your aks creds:
Now that you are connected to the cluster, verified the nodes are up and no pods are available at present:![enter image description here](https://i.imgur.com/CCzepuW.png)
Now I will deploy 2 replicas of this nginx image present in my ACR. For this I will create a yaml file called asen-nginx.yaml and modify the parameters accordingly
and apply the same:
Now when you do![enter image description here](https://i.imgur.com/gqUAosw.png)
kubectl get pods
, your pods are running without any image pull error:Reference document:
MS Doc
MS tutorial to deploy app from acr to aks
MS troubleshooting steps for can't pull images from acr to aks