Kubernetes Leader Election Fails with Unit Test

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I'm trying out some leader election logic in one of my Microservice using the Kubernetes fabirc java client. Here is what I came up with:

def testAndAssertSingleLeader(client: KubernetesClient, id: String, lock: Lock): Assertion = {
        // Given
    val leaderLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
    val newLeaderRecord = new AtomicReference[String]
    val stoppedLeading = new CountDownLatch(1)
    val executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor
    val leaderCallback = new LeaderCallbacks(
      () => {
        println("I am the leader now, performing the batch job.")
      () => {
        println("I am no longer the leader.")
      (newLeader: String) => {
        println(s"A new leader is elected: $newLeader")
    val leaderElectionConfig = new LeaderElectionConfig(
      "Integration test leader election configuration"
    // When
    val leaderElectorTask = executorService.submit(
      () => assertThrows(
        () => client.leaderElector.withConfig(leaderElectionConfig).build().run()
    // Then
    assert(leaderLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
    assert(id == newLeaderRecord.get)
    assert(0 == leaderLatch.getCount)
    assert(executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
    assert(stoppedLeading.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

  "K8sLeaderElection" should "create a lease lock" in {
    // Given
      .andReturn(200, null)
    // When - Then
    testAndAssertSingleLeader(client, "lead-lease", new LeaseLock("namespace", "name", "lead-lease"))

I just adapted the code that I found on the fabric GitHub and converted that to Scala as it can be seen. When I ran my unit test, I see the following:

Testing started at 22:39 ...

Oct 24, 2023 10:39:31 PM okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer$2 execute
INFO: MockWebServer[51585] starting to accept connections
22:39:31.833 [ScalaTest-run] DEBUG io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.HttpClientUtils - Using httpclient io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.okhttp.OkHttpClientFactory factory

22:39:42.108 [ScalaTest-run] DEBUG io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.impl.BaseClient - The client and associated httpclient io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.okhttp.OkHttpClientImpl have been closed, the usage of this or any client using the httpclient will not work after this

Oct 24, 2023 10:39:42 PM okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer$2 acceptConnections

INFO: MockWebServer[51585] done accepting connections: Socket closed

leaderLatch.await(10L, SECONDS) was false
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.openelectrons.cpo.k8s.K8sLeaderElectionSpec at (K8sLeaderElectionSpec.scala:137)
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: leaderLatch.await(10L, SECONDS) was false
    at org.scalatest.Assertions.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:472)
    at org.scalatest.Assertions.newAssertionFailedException$(Assertions.scala:471)
    at org.scalatest.Assertions$.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:1231)
    at org.scalatest.Assertions$AssertionsHelper.macroAssert(Assertions.scala:1295)
    at com.openelectrons.cpo.k8s.K8sLeaderElectionSpec.testAndAssertSingleLeader(K8sLeaderElectionSpec.scala:137)
    at com.openelectrons.cpo.k8s.K8sLeaderElectionSpec.$anonfun$new$2(K8sLeaderElectionSpec.scala:154)

I have the following dependencies in my build.sbt:

  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.9" % Test,
  "org.mockito" %% "mockito-scala" % "1.16.46" % Test,
  "org.bouncycastle" % "bcpkix-jdk15on" % "1.68" % Test,
  "io.fabric8" % "kubernetes-server-mock" % "6.9.0" % Test exclude("com.fasterxml.jackson.core", "jackson-databind")

What am I doing wrong? I was expecting that I get to see the println statement showing me that a leader is elected and after the lease time, I get to see another message from the callback that it is no longer the leader.


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