KTable GroupBy Function Overload in Kotlin

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Attempting to replicate a simple word count example for Kafka Streams.

val groupedByWord: KTable<String, Long> = source
        .flatMapValues<Any> { value: String ->
        .groupBy( { (key: String, word: String) -> word }, Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()) )

Unfortunately compilation fails due to the second parameter in the groupby being confused with Serialized.

None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied: 
public abstract fun <KR : Any!> groupBy(p0: KeyValueMapper<in String!, in Any!, TypeVariable(KR)!>!, p1: Grouped<TypeVariable(KR)!, Any!>!): KGroupedStream<TypeVariable(KR)!, Any!>! defined in org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStream
public abstract fun <KR : Any!> groupBy(p0: KeyValueMapper<in String!, in Any!, TypeVariable(KR)!>!, p1: Serialized<TypeVariable(KR)!, Any!>!): KGroupedStream<TypeVariable(KR)!, Any!>! defined in org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStream

I'm looking for suggestions on how to resolve this.


There are 1 answers

groo On

if there's no type change from your original stream Serdes you should be able to just use the first arg and in Kotlin you can also remove the parentheses in this case, like :

groupBy { _, word -> word }