KSQL Java Client app Received 404 response from server:

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I have written KSQL Client Java app to fetch the topic message details from KSQL Tables. This is the code snippet to read the topic messages from KSQL table. But when i run this program getting below error. Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

KSQLClient Code:

ClientOptions options = ClientOptions.create()
Client client = Client.create(options);
System.out.println("Client object value ---->"+client);
// Send requests with the client by following the other examples
Map<String, Object> properties = Collections.singletonMap("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
client.streamQuery(query, properties)
   .thenAccept(streamedQueryResult -> {
       System.out.println("Result column names: " + streamedQueryResult.columnNames());
       // RowSubscriber subscriber = new RowSubscriber();
   }).exceptionally(e -> {
       System.out.println("Push query request failed: " + e);
       return null;

Exception details:

    Exception in thread "main" java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.confluent.ksql.api.client.exception.KsqlClientException: Received 404 response from server: HTTP 404 Not Found. Error code: 40400
        at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.geta(Unknown Source)
        at my.ksqldb.app.KSQLExampleApp.main(KSQLExampleApp.java:55)

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