What I expect: the 'for loop' brings the number of columns that will be displayed in the table, the start date, and the end date are taken by an object. the transaction date is taken by a different object. The start date variable gets the exception and the transaction date gets the value without a problem.
if(date >0){//no of dates for the selected week
for (i in 0 until date) {
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val tv_Date = TextView(this)
val transDate = SortedDateHashMap[i].transactionDate
val start = SortedExpenseDateHashMap[i]!!.weekStart
val end = SortedExpenseDateHashMap[i]!!.weekEnd
val startDate = dateFormat.parse(start)
val endDate = dateFormat.parse(end)
var transactionDat = dateFormat.parse(transDate)
if(transactionDat.before(endDate) && transactionDat.after(startDate)){
tv_Date.setPadding(10, 15, 10, 10)
tv_Date.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
tv_Date.layoutParams = params3
tv_Date.text = SortedDateHashMap[i].transactionDate
Used null safe and wrote the code in the try..catch exception. Worked