Kong Authentication for my API application under eks

69 views Asked by At

I have a EKS cluster and i have deployed my api-related microservice applications in my cluster also corresponding services deployed.

emissary is used for ingress controller. In emissary i have a specific Kind: Authservice is used for authentication and which is pointed to a specific k8s service “auth”. Please find the attached manifest file for the Authservice under emissary.

apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1
kind: AuthService
  name: test-auth
  auth_service: "test-api-auth-service"
  proto: http
  timeout_ms: 5000
    code: 403
  path_prefix: "/v1/validate"
  - "x-test-user-id"
  add_linkerd_headers: false
  failure_mode_allow: true

Now i am migrating this applications in another eks cluster and i have migrated the api applications with there corresponding services.But i have used Kong for the ingress controller.I have created a ingress file for routing service “/auth”, and i am able to load. But i want a authservice type of kind in kong showed in above.Please help me to figure out.

Im expecting a proper solution to fix this. i have found multiple authentication plugins in kong, and its still confusing me.So please help me guyz


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