Kogrid: last column of grid is only partly visible

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In koGrid 2.1.1:

Somehow, the last column of a grid is only partly visible.

I reproduced this bug with an example using the default config of the grid.


<div class="gridStyle" data-bind="koGrid: gridOptions"></div>


.gridStyle {
border: 1px solid rgb(212, 212, 212);
width: 400px;
height: 300px;


function mainVm() {
    var self = this;
    this.myData = ko.observableArray([{
        name: "Moroni",
        age: 50
    }, {
        name: "Tiancum",
        age: 43
    }, {
        name: "Jacob",
        age: 27
    }, {
        name: "Nephi",
        age: 29
    }, {
        name: "Enos",
        age: 34
    this.gridOptions = {
        data: self.myData
ko.applyBindings(new mainVm());

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4hUcc/1/

I cannot find what is causing this. Got any clue??


There are 2 answers

Nico Beemster On

Found it, in koGrid-2.1.1.debug.js, lines 2098 - 2114:

 var getWidths = function () {
        var $testContainer = $('');
        // 1. Run all the following measurements on startup!
        //measure Scroll Bars
        $testContainer.height(100).width(100).css("position", "absolute").css("overflow", "scroll");
        window.kg.domUtilityService.ScrollH = ($testContainer.height() - $testContainer[0].clientHeight);
        window.kg.domUtilityService.ScrollW = ($testContainer.width() - $testContainer[0].clientWidth);
        //clear styles
        $testContainer.attr('style', '');
        //measure letter sizes using a pretty typical font size and fat font-family
        window.kg.domUtilityService.LetterW = $testContainer.children().first().width();

window.kg.domUtilityService.ScrollH and window.kg.domUtilityService.ScrollW are being calculated incorrectly. Fixed my problem by setting them both to 0. (zero)


Nytramr On

In order to calculate the scrolling bars' width and height, koGrid adds a temporary div in your body once the javascript file is loaded.

Therefore if you add the koGrid-x.js in the head of your HTML, the body wont be load and the scrolling bars measure will fail.

On the other hand, if you add the koGrid-x.js file at the end of your body element, it will be already loaded and everything should work as expected.