Knuth's bit reversal explanation

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I've made some progress in understanding bit reversal algorithms using non trivial (binary partition) magic constants based on D.Knuth's ideas but i fail to understand how these non continuous masks work, which seems to have bits spread around in various distances. It's always a 2-step process which swaps lsb and msb bits, leaving the middle unchanged but it does this in multiple parts of a register at the same time. LUT, x86 asm based bit reversals fall under the trivial category so consider them irrelevant.

Classic Binary (Recursive) Partition Bit Reversal Algorithm 64bit (trivial)

x = ((x >> 1) & c1) | ( (x & c1) << 1); //0x5555555555555555ULL
x = ((x >> 2) & c2) | ( (x & c2) << 2); //0x3333333333333333ULL
x = ((x >> 4) & c3) | ( (x & c3) << 4); //0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FULL
x = ((x >> 8) & c4) | ( (x & c4) << 8); //0x00FF00FF00FF00FFULL
x = ((x >>16) & c5) | ( (x & c5) <<16); //0x0000FFFF0000FFFFULL
x = ((x >>32)     ) | ( (x     ) <<32); //0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL (implicit)

32 bit code - p.36

N4 t;

//17msb <- 17lsb, 15msb -> 15lsb
x = (x << 15) | (x >> 17);

t = (x ^ (x >> 10)) & 0x003F801F;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 10);

t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x0E038421;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 4);

t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x22488842;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 2);

return x;

64 bit code - AOCP - Vol.4 - 1A - 7.1.3 - p.13 - (70)

//classic adjacent bit swap
x = ((x >> 1) & c1) | ( (x & c1) << 1);

t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x0300C0303030C303ULL;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 4);

t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0x00C0300C03F0003FULL;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 8);

t = (x ^ (x >>20)) & 0x00000FFC00003FFFULL;
x = x ^ t ^ (t << 20);

x = (x >> 34) | (x << 30);

Explanation: AOCP - Vol.4 - 1A - 7.1.3 - p.13

    Paraphrasing Knuth: there is an operation that given a register swaps
    some msb-bits with some lsb-bits leaving some in the middle unchanged.

    Specifically we can swap bits that are k-positions apart, with k>=1
    ie. bits are not overlapping. Operation is given below.

    Let 64bit register (x). We want to swap 25-msb and 25-lsb of x, with 14bits  (25 + 14 + 25): 64
    in the middle left as is. We set k = 64-25 = 39, m = (pow(2,25)-1) = 0x1FFFFFF 

    t = (x ^ (x >> k)) & m;     // ((x-25-msb) xor (x-25-lsb)) -> t-25-lsb
    t = t ^ (t << k);           // t-25-lsb -> get copied to -> t-25-msb, so t-25-msb/lsb holds: x-msb-25 ^ x-lsb-25
    x = x ^ t;                  // on x-25-msb, msb gets calceled out, so x-25-msb <- x-25-lsb, t-14-middle is zero
                                // so x-14-midddle xor 0x0 remains as is, x-25-lsb <- x-25-msb because it cancels out with xor op.

    //above 3line operation in 2 lines
    t = (x ^ (x >> k)) & m;     
    x = (t ^ (t << k)) ^ x;     //line 2

    //common ways line 2 is displayed
    x = (t + (t << k)) ^ x;     //equiv. line 2
    x = (t | (t << k)) ^ x;     //equiv. line 2
    x = (t ^ (t << k)) ^ x;     //equiv. line 2
    x = x ^ t ^ (t << k)  ;     //equiv. line 2

    operation with letters:
    [a,b,c] -> [ 0,0,a] ^ [a,b,c] -> [a,b,c^a] & mask -> [0,0,c^a] -> [0,0,c^a] ^ [c^a,0,0] -> [c^a,0,c^a] ->
     -> [a,b,c] ^ [c^a,0,c^a] -> [c,b,a]

Another 64bit reverse (Hacker's Delight)

//swap halves
x = (x << 32) | (x >> 32);

//its the 32bit knuth bit reverse: [17bit m<-l],[15bit m->l] step: applied on both 32bit up/down half of 64bit register.
x = (x & 0x0001FFFF0001FFFFLL) << 15 |  (x & 0xFFFE0000FFFE0000LL) >> 17;

t = (x ^ (x >> 10)) & 0x003F801F003F801FULL;
x = (t | (t << 10)) ^ x;

t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x0E0384210E038421ULL;
x = (t | (t << 4)) ^ x;

t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x2248884222488842ULL;
x = (t | (t << 2)) ^ x;

Hacker's Delight - Figure 7-4 - p.37

x = (x << 31) | (x >> 33);

t = (x ^ (x >> 20)) & 0x00000FFF800007FFULL;
x = (t |(t << 20)) ^ x;

t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0x00F8000F80700807ULL;
x = (t |(t << 8)) ^ x;

t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x0808708080807008ULL;
x = (t |(t << 4)) ^ x;

t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x1111111111111111ULL;
x = (t |(t << 2)) ^ x;

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