What would be considered a good way of handling lots of custom bindings with the possibility that the binding is not present? Say my html expression binds to image_url as below.
<span title="Company Logo" data-bind="image_url: company_banner"></span>
However there is every possibility that the image_url binding is not available. In that case scenario, I'd just like to return a string value of company_banner.
Normally one would add a custom handler like below but if that handler is not available can we return some generic feedback?
ko.bindingHandlers.buttonLabel = {//update etc}
In our case the design may be ahead of the code, so we don't want ko to grumble.
For this scenario, I would look at using a custom binding provider. Here is an article describing the functionality: http://www.knockmeout.net/2011/09/ko-13-preview-part-2-custom-binding.html.
So, I would create a custom binding provider that is a wrapper to the real binding provider. Once the bindings are parsed, then we can inspect them to see if they exist in
. If one does not, then we can add a text binding with its value.It might look like:
Here is a sample: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/mMQKY/