Knockout External Template Value Reset

445 views Asked by At

Am using Knockout External Template

But how to clear newly binded value and text from External template. my html code something like this


<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'RegistrationForm.html' }"></ul>
 <div data-bind="click:Add"></div>    

Scripts When i click add, Form Value from 'RegistrationForm.html' will bind to a grid, but on the same time i need to clear all bind value from 'RegistrationForm.html'. Assume i have many fields and some text binding on the selected template. so my question how to clear bind text and form value from Templates when on button click.

Actual Scenario :

When opened a user template then value and text related to the corresponding user will bind to that template. but when i click next user with out any value the first user vale remains there. am using one template for all user)


EDIT My code like this structure

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
            .clear {
                clear: both;
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/knockout-3.3.0.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/koExternalTemplateEngine_all.js"></script>
                    function pop1(data)
                    this.a = ko.obeservable(data.a || '');
                            this.b = ko.obeservable(data.b || '');
                    function pop2(data)
                    this.c = ko.obeservable(data.c || '');
                            this.d = ko.obeservable(data.d || '');
                    Viewmodel = function(){
                    self = this;
                            self.obj = new Object();
                   = {
                            self.types = [

                            self.whichPopup = fucntion(){
                    switch (name()){
                    case '1':
                            //Load Template for this option
                            //This wil b a user form with some value will bind when on laod
                            var data {}; // data with a and b
                            self.obj = new pop1(data);
                            case '2':
                            //Load Template for this option
                            var data {}; // data with c and d
                            self.obj = new pop1(data);
                    }); </script>
        <div class="Temp">
            <div class="temp1">  
                <div data-bind="template:{name : 'Template1.html'}"></div>  
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <div class="temp2">                 
                <div data-bind="template:{name : 'Template2.html'}"></div>              
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <select class="submission_type"
                    data-bind="options: types,
                                   optionsText : 'name',                               
                                   value: name,
            <div data-bind="template:{name : whichPopup}"></div>
            <!--  This part working -->
             Table here
             i need to add multiple entried here,
            so will add users here

             1- Select type
             2- Tempalte will opened in a popup
             3- Save to,then dispaly to the grid

              1- Selcted option type that i hav already added before for to add same type but diffrent user
              2- popup1 will opened
              3- but it have the values that i have first time added
              4- if it was text box only then i can clear but it have some text binding to a div too


UPDATE I have changed the concept, let me know how to disable caching template in knockout External template. so far i have tried :

infuser.defaults.ajax.cache = false

but not working,i just need to refresh the template. thanks


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