I am trying to put a given pictures in a gridlayout that can scroll, and when i select the picture the color of the image change, here is my code:
CONTAINER_PNG = os.path.join(AllImage_ROOT, 'images')
IMAGES_NAMES = [c[:-4] for c in os.listdir(CONTAINER_PNG)]
class ImageButton(ButtonBehavior, Image):
class AllImage(BoxLayout):
# screen_manager = ObjectProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
BoxLayout.__init__(self, **kwargs)
splitter = Splitter(sizable_from = 'bottom')
root = ScrollView()
layout = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10)
layout2 = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10)
button = ImageButton(source = 'mix.png')
for im in IMAGES_NAMES:
if IMAGES_NAMES != None :
btn = ImageButton(source = im+'.png')
btn.bind(on_press= lambda a:layout.add_widget( ToggleButton(text = 'work') ))
btn.bind(on_press= lambda b:self.background_color(1,1,1))
class TryApp(App):
def build(self):
return AllImage()
def on_pause(self):
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
I know i am doing things wrong, so i have several questions :
1- Why when i add a Splitter between my 2 Grids it don't work(the splitter is not visible)
2- How can i change the color of my ImageButton ?
3- The scrollview isn't working on my GridLayout, how can i custom my Grid that can be bigger than my window.
Thank you for your time :)
kivy tries to make things simple by separating the UI from the logic..from the kivy docs,it says You must deactivate at least one of the size_hint instructions (x or y) of the child to enable scrolling..
for clarity sake,try to implement the UI stuffs in a kv file to make things easier to read.
i dont think the on_press can handle two methods at the sametime,so try this