I want to use my Kinect v2 as a webcam for some tools which requires a webcam as an input device as example cheese. However, I am able to start protonect from libfreenect2 like described at the bottom of this page: https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2/blob/master/README.md#linux
Protonect will display 4 streams, which is fine, but cheese and other tools tell me there is no device found. The same is true for different other tools I tested like VLC media player.
I read the different guide but most I found seems only to be true for Kinect v1. According to the openkinect FAQ, the Kinect should be able to use as the webcam with a Kernel above 3.0. Mine is 4.10 while Ubuntu is 17.04 and I use an AMD GPU with newest Pro driver.
Thank you in advance for your help.