Kext driver cannot find symbol OSPrintBacktrace

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I'm using the following function when one of my iokit commands is being called. it defined in

extern void OSPrintBacktrace(void);

however, my kext seems that my kext fail to load since it couldn't find this symbol..

 12/26/16 10:02:53.000 AM kernel[0]: kxld[]: The following symbols are unresolved for this kext:
 12/26/16 10:02:53.000 AM kernel[0]: kxld[]: _OSPrintBacktrace

although it does exists in kernel binary

 nm /System/Library/Kernels/kernel  | grep OSPrintBacktrace
 ffffff8000837290 T _OSPrintBacktrace

Can anybody tell me what am i missing here ?


There are 1 answers


The function OSPrintBacktrace is not part of any of the (public) KPIs. OSReportWithBacktrace is however (libkern), so you're probably best off using that. Alternatively, you can also use OSBacktrace.