I have a issue and lost 3 days... I using the Globalization in Kendo UI.
I have read several times http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/globalization and apply in my web proyect.
I use ASP.NET MVC. Framework 4. Visual Studio 2010. Kendo UI 2014.2.1008
My country is Chile. I should be use es-CL for culture and es-ES for UICulture (spanish messages for pageable, filterable, etc).
I need that my whole app works as dd/MM/yyyy independent of client PC Windows culture is set.
I set the kendo.culture.es-CL.min.js as a copy of kendo.culture.es-AR.min.js, It was a copy & paste, it was the only thing I could think to do :(
I have a Partial View in header with the load of culture and others, it load first other views:
var culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString(); //se obtiene del servidor (web.config)
var cultureUI = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString(); //textos de mensajes kendo, paginaciĆ³n, filtros, etc, se obtiene del servidor (web.config)
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/kendo/2014.2.1008/messages/kendo.messages." + cultureUI + ".min.js")"></script>
I have a controller HomeController a Test Action:
public ActionResult Test(DateTime fechaTermino) { ViewBag.FechaTermino = fechaTermino; return View(); }
Then, I have a View "Test" (after load the previus View), I set my DatePicker:
@{ var fechaTermino = (DateTime)ViewBag.FechaTermino; }
@(Html.Kendo().DatePicker() .Name("mdpTermino")
)I set the culture in my web.config to es-CL and not works! (see picture, appear dd-MM-yyyy)
< globalization uiCulture="es-ES" culture="es-CL" / >
I change the culture to es-AR and its works!! (appear dd/MM/yyyy) why? I have both js files in my Kendo folder in my solution.
< globalization uiCulture="es-ES" culture="es-AR" / >
I Try put format in every DatePiker how see in this example use HTML 5 /JS (I use MVC mode):
It's is very slowly, I don't like change 20 DatePikers everytime, and I put in my DatePiker:
and don't work using es-CL. It continue showing dd-MM-yyyy, ignores the format!!
Why only that es-AR works and not es-CL?