kendo UI multi select bind one list value to change another multi select list

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ok so I am trying to grab the value from a kendo ui multi select list and then change the array in a secound list based on whats being returned from a MVC controller post back

this is the post back, which returns a Json object

        public ActionResult findProfileSettings(string selectedID)  
            var profiles_msl = obtainProfilesMethod(selectedID);

            ViewBag.Profiles_msl = new List<Profiles>(profiles_msl);

            var result = new List<Profiles>(profiles_msl);

            return Json(result);

This is the post back via aJax,

scv = scv.substring(0, scv.length - 6);
                    type: "post",
                    url: '@Url.Action("findProfileSettings", "Account")',
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    a: scv,
                    data: JSON.stringify({ selected: scv }),
                    cache: false,
                    error: function (data) {
                    success: function (data)
                    for (x in data)      

                        var markUp;
                        markUp = "<option value=" + data[x]["ID"] + ">" + data[x]["profiles"] + "</option>";

the data being sent back in the full list and works but I am having issues biding this back to the kendo multi select

this is the first multi select list

                    .Placeholder("Select ")                    
                    .Value(new[] { new { } })
                        id = "MSL",
                        data_bind = " options: list, optionsText: 'ID', optionsValue: 'cid'"
                    .Events(e =>

and this is the one that need to change

                    .Placeholder("Select Profiles")
                    .Value(new[] { new { } })
                        id = "ID",
                        data_bind = "options: Profiles_msl, optionsText: 'profiles', optionsValue: 'ID'"

I think the issues is in how im building the multi select any help thanks


There are 1 answers

AlanMorton2.0 On

The kendo UI multiselect hasn't got the 'cascading from' element so this current isn't possible.