I need to keep tracks of users connection, disconnection and login time. I use sockets for this but I am troubled over some stuff. For now I created an array that keeps track of connection and disconnection from user.
Something like
const connectedUser = [];
So this is initialised at the launch of my server, and I add/delete values continuously.
Is there a better way to track what I want ?
For now I have like a few thousands users, so it's not that huge. But I question this in term of scalability. For like a 100k users, i'm not sure this would be the proper way to handle this issue.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you !
Edit: My app is Trello-like. Users can create/like/comment "issues". They can also see which user is connected and send dm.
So what I implemented served this purpose -> See who is connected in real time and send messages.
I thought that this data is volatil, there is no purpose to store this data. So that's why I use array. Wouldn't it be a waste of storage to store this data ?