How to use FieldCache in Katta, FieldCache expects IndexReader as arguments, then how to get IndexReader from Katta API. And In katta the search method in returns Hits. From this I can get List, from that I can able to get each hit's docId, but I need particular field value of the docId in Katta. Please give me some coding example.
Katta docId to Document
301 views Asked by Nageswaran At
There are 2 answers

you can't use the FieldCache on client side, since the IndexReader is located on the server side! But you can get field-values through the getDetails() method on LuceneClient.
final Hits hits =, new String[] { INDEX_NAME }, 10);
for (final Hit hit : hits.getHits()) {
final MapWritable details = client.getDetails(hit, new String[] { "path" });
details.get(new Text("path"));
HTH Johannes
I've never worked with Katta, I worked with Solr and if I had to get document by its id and I had to use only Lucene classes, I'd use