I'm stuck with my Karma/Jasmine tests of an AngularJS 1.3.15 application using ag-grid 3.0.0 because of an 'undefined' when trying to access to the API functions (e.g. $scope.gridOptions.api.showNoRowsOverlay()).
After googling and trying a lot (with no luck at all), I am left with two options:
a) try to initialise somehow the grid. I've found out a solution that people from ng-grid (link) adopted:
elm = angular.element('<div ng-grid="gridOptions" style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px"></div>');
b) try to mock the entire angularGrid module with an instruction like:
angular.module("angularGrid", []);
Could someone give me some hints or a guideline (even better!) for getting rid of this dependency?
Thank you in advance, Nicola
UPDATE 2016/06/19 @RamiShareef
The structure of a simple SPA that I'm following at the moment is the following:
//AngularJS module creation
var reportModule = angular.module('reportModule', ['agGrid']);
//AngularJS service creation. This service serves the SPA controller.
reportModule.service('reportModuleService', [function(){
var self = this;
//Function that builds the column definition for agGrid
self.buildColumnDefinitions = function(){
var columnDefinitions = [{headerName:"Name", field:"userName"},
{headerName:"Login", field:"login"}];
return columnDefinitions;
//Function that acts as a factory for the agGrid state builder
self.buildDataGridState = function(columnDefinitions){
var dataGridState = {
columnDefs: columnDefinitions,
rowData: null
return dataGridState;
//Function that updates the data grid rows
self.updateDataGridRows = function(dataGridState, rowData){
return dataGridState;
//Function that returns some data to load into the grid
self.loadSomeData = function(){
//Return a promise with some data to display...
//AngularJS definition for the SPA controller
reportModule.controller('reportModuleController', ['reportModuleService', function(reportModuleService){
var self = this;
//List of column definitions
self.columnDefinitions = self.reportModuleService.buildColumnDefinitions();
//Definition of grid properties and its initialization
$scope.gridOptions = self.reportModuleService.buildDataGridState(self.columnDefinitions);
//Let's now load data into the grid...
self.reportModuleService.updateDataGridRows($scope.gridOptions, someGridData);
After having set up this architecture, you'll find that mocking the agGrid calls is easier because in your Karma/Jasmine tests you just need to define a spy on the service methods that handle the grid state:
spyOn(testReportModuleService, 'updateDataGridRows').and.callFake(function(){});
spyOn(testReportModuleService, 'resetDataGridRows').and.callFake(function(){});
I hope this might help out people stuck like me with Karma/Jasmine tests!