Kafka producers/brokers not using specified IP

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So I have a cluster of 6 machines. These machines have 2 IP address (a public and a private). The private IPs are using a high speed network (1 GBps) and the public are using a slower network (120 MBps).

While configuring my kafka/zookeeper cluster, I had set the private IP as the brokers's ip. Now my configuration is fine as I can see output saying that all my brokers are connected on the correct IP

 INFO Connecting to zookeeper on,,,,, (kafka.server.KafkaServer)

Now when I was testing the producer's performance, I could get a throughput more than 120 MBps.

bin/kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --topic highthr2 --num-records 10000 --record-size 100000 --throughput 10000 --producer-props acks=-1 bootstrap.servers=,,,,,

When I used nload, to check how much data is going through each interface, I found that data was coming in and going out through the public IP interface (slower network interface). I rechecked the zookeeper and kafka logs, but they both say that my brokers are on the private IP.

Any ideas on what is the issue or what do I need to change?


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