kafka-cluster-zookeper networking issues in newer versions

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zookeeper logs indicate a networking issue where the zookeeper service is unable to resolve the address for kafka-cluster-zookeeper-0.kafka-cluster-zookeeper-nodes.test.svc on port 2888.

zookeeper logs: ERROR Couldn't bind to kafka-cluster-zookeeper-0.kafka-cluster-zookeeper-nodes.test.svc/:2888 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Leader)

The workaround is to restart the pod once or twice to start without any errors. Also, this happens less frequently probably because of slow dns and looks like this is happening frequently with newer versions of zookeeper.

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Strimzi operator version: 0.38.0 Reproduced environments: KIND, K3s, EKS


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